Enjoy today,
tomorrow’s taken care of.
Talk with an advisor
Feel confident in your financial future in just 3 steps:
Talk with an Advisor
We want to hear about you. Tell us your story, the challenges you face and your plans for the future. From there, we'll explore how West Michigan Advisors can help you.
Get a Clear Plan
Together, we'll craft a plan for your finances that makes it easy to live the life you want and care for your family for years to come.
Rest Easy
Feel settled knowing you'll have the right plan in place. With our experienced team in your corner, you'll make wise and informed decisions no matter what comes your way.
Enjoy peace of mind with a personalized financial plan.
Our Services
Personal Planning
Investment Selection & Monitoring
Generational Wealth Transfer
You don’t just need someone who knows finances, you need someone who gets you.
At West Michigan Advisors we believe financial planning should be personal. It's not just about money, it's about you — your story, your dreams, your family.
That's why we treat you as an individual.
Our financial advisors sit down with you to hear where you're coming from and where you want to go. With decades of experience and hundreds of happy clients, we have the expertise to help you get there. Whether you're planning to enjoy a long retirement with loved ones or securing a legacy for your kids and grandkids, we'll walk alongside you the whole way.